The Meno
Translated by Floyer Sydenham and Thomas Taylor.
The Meno is one of the foundational dialogues of the Platonic tradition. It initiates a series of investigations into subjects which lie at the heart of philosophy: What is virtue? How is it acquired? How can we learn about the essence of things? Why should we strive after a rational knowledge rather than rely upon right opinions? And when we formulate answers to these questions, what do they tell us about our own nature?
This edition of Floyer Sydenham's translation, revised by Thomas Taylor for inclusion in his Works of Plato, also includes an extract from Proclus' Commentary on the Republic on Virtue, and three introductory essays by Tim Addey: An Overview of the Meno, On the Virtues, and On Reminisence: Remembering Immortality.
176 pages. Paperback.
ISBN 9781898910923.
About the Series
See all Students' EditionsThe Prometheus Trust’s Students’ Edition Series offers to the newcomer to the Platonic tradition a number of introductory works. The Series is aimed at introducing philosophy within the framework of its original purpose – which was nothing less than the unfolding of the soul’s powers, the conjoining of the inner and outer life, and the restoration of the soul herself to her divine source. Philosophy as practised by its founders was a yoga of enlightenment, and constituted a most beautiful and well-ordered path towards the very highest goal of human existence – friendship with divinity.
The Series is produced because that original yoga is still the most sure and direct path to human happiness – both in terms of the individual and for human society as a whole. As Thomas Taylor writes at the beginning of his General Introduction to the Philosophy of Plato,
“It may be compared to a luminous pyramid, terminating in Deity, and having for its basis the rational soul of man and its spontaneous undistorted conceptions, - of this philosophy, august, magnificent, and divine, Plato may be justly called the primary leader and hierophant, through whom, like the mystic light in the inmost recesses of some sacred temple, it first shone forth with hidden and venerable splendour.”
The tradition has nourished men and women through the ages as they pursued the ways of wisdom and they, in their turn, added to that tradition, adapting its immutable truths to the needs of their own times. In that spirit, the Prometheus Trust offers this Series, not as a final answer to our quest, but as another small light on a long and arduous path which constitutes the life of soul as she plays her part in the divine cosmos.