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Platonic Pathways

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Edited by John F. Finamore and Danielle A. Layne.

This anthology of 16 essays by scholars from around the world is published in association with the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies. It contains many of the papers presented in their 2016 annual conference.

Contents include:

  • The Significance of Initiation Rituals in Plato’s Meno - Michael Romero.
  • Plato’s Timaean Psychology - John Finamore.
  • The Creative Thinker: A New Reading of Numenius fr. 16.10-12 - Joshua Langseth.
  • First Philosophy, Abstract Objects, and Divine Aseity: Aristotle and Plotinus - Robert M. Berchman.
  • Plotinus on philia and its Empedoclean origin - Giannis Stamatellos.
  • In What Sense Does the One Exist? Existence and Hypostasis in Plotinus - Michael Wiitala and Paul DiRado.
  • A Double-Edged Sword: Porphyry on the Perils and Profits of Demonological Inquiry - Seamus O’Neill.
  • Alienation and Divinization: Iamblichus’ Theurgic Vision - Gregory Shaw.
  • Iamblichus’ method for creating Theurgic Sacrifice - Sam Webster.
  • The Understanding of Time and Eternity in the polemic between Eunomius, Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa - Tomasz Stępień.
  • Tension in the soul: A Stoic/Platonic concept in Plutarch, Proclus, and Simplicius - Marilynn Lawrence.
  • Peritrope in Damascius as the Apparatus of Speculative Ontology - Tyler Tritten.
  • Mysticism, Apocalypticism, and Platonism - Ilaria Ramelli.
  • Philosophy and Commentary: Evaluating Simplicius on the Presocratics - Bethany Parsons.
  • From Embryo to Saint: a Thomist Account of Being Human - Melissa Rovig Vanden Bout.
  • From the Neoplatonizing Christian Gnosticism of Philip K. Dick to the Neoplatonizing Hermetic Gnosticism of Ralph Waldo Emerson - Jay Bregman.

304 pages. Paperback.

ISBN 9781898910879.

  • About the Series

    These anthologies, published by the Prometheus Trust in association with the International Association for Neoplatonic Studies (ISNS), collect essays by leading scholars in the field of (Neo)platonic philosophy.

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