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A Flight of Souls: Invocations and Songs

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Edited by Guy Wyndham-Jones.

The spontaneous urge to give thanks for goods received is natural to the human condition. All the pieces in this little book, drawn from the Platonic tradition of philosophy, are genuine expressions of such thanks; and of certainty, faith, truth, belief, need, experience and love. Aesthetics alone should be put aside when considering or using these invocations and songs, as they are regarding subjects which defy commonplace modes of expression.

The Platonic tradition is very much alive and Philosophy continues to sing through this tradition’s years and life, for the well-being and the good of all.

160 pages. Hardcover.

A Common Hymn
Hail! may the blissful road of life be mine,
With ev'ry good replete of light divine:
And from my members dire disease expel,
That splendid-gifted health with me may dwell.
My soul insanely wand'ring on the earth,
Though intellectual regions gave her birth,
Attract to heav'n with vigour unconfined,
Through mysteries which rouse the dormant mind.
Your helping hands, all-bounteous powers, extend,
And paths divine unfold as I ascend.

Give me to see those beams of glorious light,
Which aid the soul from Generation's night,
Dark, dreary, dire, indignantly to fly,
And rapidly regain her native sky.
Extend your hands, and with your fav'ring gales,
While bound for home I raise th'impatient sails,
Impel my vessel o'er life's stormy main,
Till the fair port of Piety I gain;
For there my soul, with mighty toils oppressed,
Shall find her long-lost Paradise of rest.


  • About the Music of Philosophy Series

    This series of little hardback books presents some of the most profound and beautiful thoughts committed to writing by the philosophers of the Platonic Tradition. Each book has around 80 extracts arranged into verse form (although no words have been changed or omitted), and divided into four sections for morning, afternoon, evening and night meditations. “The intention,” writes the adaptor, “is to inspire . . .”

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